
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy and Prosperous New Year - 2013

Wishing you all my fellow German Shepherd Dog lovers a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year  - 2013

Monday, December 24, 2012

Wish You All A Very Merry Christmas

"Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men" Our wish and this Christmas greetings is just for you - fellow German Shepherd lovers. Thank you...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Innovative Dog Training Tools

Before you buy a puppy make sure you will have to train it and socialize it. Crate training is of utmost importance in the first phase and unique dog furniture like premium wood crate can act as a great tool for the training session.

Quick Tips on Crate Training
  • Your dog can feel trapped, frustrated and will bark and whine. Shouting at him won't help. 
  • Don't use the crate for punishing him. The effect of training will get diluted. 
  • Don't use a crate when your dog is scared and fearful. This will make the dog consider the crate as an abusive tool and he will not enter it any longer. 
  • Don't keep the dog in the crate for too long time; human interaction is very important. 
  • Don't crate you puppy who is under 7 months of age for more than 3-4 time daily for 1-2 hours each time. Let your puppy urinate outside.
Wooden dog gates are another tool to teach your dog his boundaries. For apartment dwellers the wooden gate - especially the highlander ones are very important if you want to naturally home train your dog. The highlander wooden gates for dogs don't use any nails, pins and screws, keeping in mind the safety aspects. They are made of made with mortise and tenon.

I found some good information about these wooden training tools at

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Features of a Good Dog Training Collar

Dog training collars have created a good buzz across the canine community. Many pet product manufacturers are making good business by selling electronic dog training collars. It is however important for the owners to know the features of a good dog training collars, so they can buy the right thing for their dogs.

Training your dog by using a electronic dog collar is completely a humane process and doesn't create any kind of discomfort to your dog. The low static stimulation that a remote training collar gives to a dog helps him/her to concentrate on the verbal commands that the trainer delivers. Doubtlessly the stimulation training system is million times more safe and humane and more effective than the traditional choke collar and prong collar training process. With a remote control electronic dog training process discards the need for the choke chain or prong collar.

Area of the field of operation (distance between the transmitter and the dog wearing the collar) is another thing. A good device features an effectiveness from a distance up to 500 feet and the trainers gets good control and the dog soon identifies the commands. However, there are better devices that covers even up to 800 meters. The contemporary hi-tech devices works on remotes with transceiver technology and has gained a great popularity among dog lovers. The LCD screen is an added advantage in the better ones and it helps you by clearly displaying your dog's activities.

Get more information at

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Basic Principles of Dog Bark Collar Training

Dog bark collar has created a good buzz in the market and is used by many professional trainers who train their dog to bark or stop barking on command. The device works in a very simple principle where a Sound Impact Sensor detects sound vibration as the dog start barking and generates a ultrasonic sound as the mode of correcting the undesirable barking. As soon as the dog perceives the ultrasonic sound from the collar worn around his neck, he stops barking and this is what the trainer encashes while training the dog not to bark or only to bark on command.

Dog bark collar training is based on 3 basic principles:
First - Determining the reason(s) of barking is the most important phase of bark collar training... This helps the trainer address the root cause of the problem.
Second - Deterring nuisance barking... In this phase the trainer uses the bark collar. The device helps in making barking a bitter experience for the dog because it generates the ultrasonic sound which is unpleasant for the dog. By this, the barking itself becomes unpleasant for the dog. Plus the trainer doesn't reward the dog for barking.
Third - The dog gets rewarded for stop barking. when the dog stops barking the trainer praises him and reward him with his tidbits, which encourages the dog not to bark.

Technology based dog training methods have never been so easy until such devices was invented. You can find more information on dog bark collar here:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Science of Food and Nutrition for German Shepherds

All pet food companies claim to offer perfectly balanced nutritional benefit through their commercial food brand, but not all of them do as they say. While most of them are engaged in ballooney talks, some ethical manufacturers try to offer perfect nutritional values in their foods. Most of the commercial dog food manufacturers use more fat and protein in their food, which helps them easily convince the owners by showing faster development. Most dog owners have been accustomed to believe in the myth that high levels of fat and protein is important for their dog's perfect growth. Big Mistake!

The science of choosing the dog food for your German Shepherds should neither be based on the higher level of fat and protein, nor on the cost. It is unwise to believe that higher the cost is, better the food. On the other hand, low cost food should not be considered economical. Higher levels of fats and proteins hugely magnifies the chance of dogs getting obese, and more prone to conditions - especially related to heart. Low cost foods, however, are mostly of low quality and lack in nutritional values and eventually lead to a series of nutritional deficiency disorders.

German shepherd Dogs were bred for working. But they have found their space in the drawing rooms in apartment. In most cases the amount of exercise that are given to the GSDs in families are much below the required level. It is hence important to understand how much fat, protein and carbohydrate does your German shepherd Dog need, based on the volume of calorie it burns each day. Germans Shepherds are easily prone to gain weight - especially if they are kept on high level of fat and protein and does not get enough exercise.

It is also important to understand the digestive system of German Shepherd Dog breed. German Shepherd has a short colon. Comparatively high fiber diet is a great option for this breed. This reminds me of William D. Cusick who published his first book - "Canine Nutrition & Choosing The Best Food For Your Breed Of Dog" in the year 1990 states: "The German Shepherd originated in the Alsatian Region of Germany..." He says, "The German Shepherd is unique because it has a very short colon in comparison to other breeds of the same body weight. For this reason a high fiber diet is required to slow the movement of food through this breed’s digestive track, thereby allowing more time for the nutrients to be drawn out. This high fiber diet will result in a larger stool but better assimilation of the food." In this context I would like to mention that high fiber is not always a very good option for your German Shepherds, or any other canine breed. Fiber, which is an insoluble carbohydrates, blocks enzymatic digestion in the small intestine of the animals. High fiber sources are almost the sources for carbohydrates too, such as soya, rice, oat etc. Hence, it is suggested not offering too much of high fiber diet - especially soybean, corn are not very good for dogs. Give him green! Veggies are also rich in dietary fiber and is important for dogs! okra (lady's finger), leafy greens like cabbage are important ingredients. Most important of all is Spinach that very high nutritional value. Spinach is the significant source of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, folic acid, protein, phosphorus, zinc, niacin and most importantly omega-3 fatty acids. If you choose to pick a commercial food, it is important to choose the one that comes closest to the recommendations by AAFCO.

Correct food for a particular dog

With unlimited number of choices it becomes really tough and confusing to choose the right food for your German Shepherd. Remember the selection of food may vary from dog to dog within the same breed. If you have more than German Shepherds, it is not necessary that all dogs should have the same food, just because they are all GSDs. But the dog food should be "complete and balanced" for "a particular life stage", according to AAFCO. There is no standard for phrases like "good quality food" and "premium food". Choosing the correct food for a particular dog involves a series of factors to be considered.

  • Choose the food according to the body weight and overall health factors of individual dog
  • Evaluate your dog's weight, body condition, life stage and overall health
  • Most commercial dog foods have protein, fat, vitamins, and mineral levels more than what is actually required
  • Check if your dog is allergic to any specific ingredients in the food. Not all your dog may be allergic to a particular thing
  • Evaluate how much energy a particular dog burns during the exercise
  • Feeding diet with higher level of fat and protein will consequently lead to obesity and related problems, and German shepherds are highly prone to such conditions

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Containment System: Dog Fence

Protecting your dog is one of the most important things that should be kept in the forefront of your mind - especially if your dog is aggressive, not properly socialized and pregnant. It is important to fence your dog's yard. A physical fence is highly preferred over the electronic ones if your dog is not well trained. If you are planning to install an electronic or electric dog fence consider training your dog perfectly. All you need is to invest some time in training your dog to use the fence.

The basic principle of a dog fence training is to teach your dog to retreat back as soon as the hear the beep sound. However effective it is, no containment system will work for you if you cannot train your dog to identify the sound to hold back. The training is easy, and easier if you can hire a professional dog trainer for a few weeks. All you need to do is to introduce your dogs to the containment system and teach them what exactly you want them to do (hold back - not moving ahead) when the hear the alert beep.

Find out more information about

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What I liked in VA Bobo v. Arlett Ca

Let me introduce this beautiful German Shepherd. This is VA Bobo v Arlett CA German Sieger Show footage 2010.I thought you will love to check out Bobo's performance at the German Seiger Show in the year 2010.

So what's there in this dog that I liked? Let me start off with by saying, "Nobility of build guarantees the highest efficiency with the lowest consumption of energy." --Max von Stephanitz. Bobo's built proves his unparalleled working ability.

Stability and consistency: The delivery of stable and consistent rhythmic bark is the stimulant of his energy and power.  the consistency in the rhythm of the delivery of bark was great.

Ground coverage: This is worth mentioning. Bobo's trot shows maximum amount of ground coverage with optimum efficiency and minimum effort, which is only possible for a dog with sound anatomical structure and no balance problem. 

Stack: Nice stacking. Noticeably good structure. However this video has not shown free-stack. So I cannot comment on that.

There are a lot more dogs like this. Avoid backyard breeders. Save the breed by adopting and breeding only good dogs. Read out how to choose good GSD puppy.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Continuation of German Shepherd Breed Standards

Some of the German Shepherd Dog breeders, I have noticed, stress on making money by breeding and selling puppies. Most of these breeders have not read the breed standards thoroughly, while others are negligent about understanding the main purpose of breeding German Shepherds. The motive of this discussion is to remind the so called German Shepherd breeders of their responsibilities towards development of the breed. However, some breeders are really doing great by breeding good stock.

It is important to understand that German Shepherd breed standard is a set of regulation that chiefly applies to the show dogs. The main criteria of breeding is not to enhance the look, but to retain the working ability of the breed. Most renowned and reputable breeders still spare less thoughts over the look of the dog. They still believe that "UTILITY IS THE TRUE CRITERION OF BEAUTY". Although the working heritage of this breed has diluted to the great extent, still there's no point in breeding bulkier, over-sized, heavy boned dogs that could be considered as a showcase dog, rather than actual GSD. So called breeders should meet at least the most important requirement for instance sound temperament, correct anatomy, proper size, etc. However, coloration is not that important in a working dog. Most show people have been motivated by a few non-educated breeders to run after rich markings. It is immensely important to remember that "NO GOOD DOG IS A BAD COLOR". Your dog with improper anatomy and size is not going to win an award just for his rich color and markings.

Also please read out FCI Code of Breeding Ethics

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Does Your German Shepherd has Eye Problems?

Although flat headed breeds that have protruding eyes are more prone to eye discharge problems, yet many German Shepherds have this common problem. Part from discharged eyes, German Shepherds, alike any other breed can have eye problems. Eye problems in GSDs are often time noticed in old dogs. Some of the very common symptoms of eye problems in your GSD are however:

  • Epiphora - excessive tearing
  • Sticky and tenacious discharge - dry eye
  • Thin discharge, but continuous
  • Red eye
  • cloudy eyes
There are certain behavior or activities that indicates that your German Shepherd is having eye problems. Some of these are:
  • Intolerant to light
  • Rubbing face on the floor or wall
  • Rubbing eyes with his front legs

Prevention is always better than cure! Diet, here, comes to play a vital role as a preventive measure. There are however, certain genetic disorders for instance, "pannus cataract", medically termed as "Chronic Superficial Keratitis", is an ophthalmic problem mostly noticed in German Shepherd Dog, but also found in other breeds like Rottweilers etc. Diet, doesn't help much once the disease grows matured. However, proper diet with good eye nutrient from the early age can be precautionary measure.

Your dog's diet must include components rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, Vitamin B12, vitamin D, bioflavonoids, cysteine, lecithin and zinc. Studies have shown that wheat sprout powder s one of the richest sources of high level of organic phosphates and very strong blend of antioxidant molecules, which reduces the chance of developing cataract in dogs. Your German Shepherd is a dog and not a carnivorous animal. Remember, he is omnivorous, and hence do not feed him only meat. Green is highly recommended. Green leafy vegetables, cabbage leaves, parsley, spinach, carrot and green papayas are great components of a dog's diet. Fruits like ripen papaya, and mango are excellent sources of Bioflavonoids, which is very important for your GSD's eye health. Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are wise additions to his diet. Eggs are powerful source of some of the major eye nutrients like vitamin A, Vitamin B12, vitamin D, cysteine, lecithin and zinc. An adult German Shepherd that has normal digestive system can be given two eggs in each major meal.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Is Your Adolescent German Shepherd Limping?

German Shepherd owners  often complain that their adolescent German Shepherds are limping. This might be something that can be of real concern for the owners! Both panostitis (pano) or hip/ elbow displasia - two most dangerous genetic disorders, can be the cause, although it's not always true.

Panosteitis in the GSD used to be too common, as for some of the other large breeds like Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Labradors, Mastiffs and Great Danes to mention just a few...  With the rising awareness and consciousness, the diseases like displasia, panostitis (also called long bone disease, shifting leg lameness and growing pain disease) have brought under control to a great extent through selective breeding. Not to be confused between the two, dysplasia is caused due to looseness occurs in the the hip or elbow joint(s), while panostitis is inflammation of long leg bones. Although with selective breeding and planned breeding programs the chances of having displasia and pano are very rare these days, but still dogs bred by novice, irresponsible and illiterate breeders can produce progenitors with such disorders. If your young or adolescent German Shepherd is limping or exhibiting signs of pain in his bones, chances are their that s(he) is suffering from the shifting leg lameness. It is essential to check out the other symptoms in order to confirm that your GSD has displastic hip or pano.

Symptoms of Panosteitis in your young German Shepherd

Firstly consider the age... the onset of panostitis in GSD is noticed between 6 to 18 months of ages. However middle-aged German Shepherd Dogs may be afflicted to the condition, though not very common. Other symptoms include:
a) pain is acute and noticed suddenly.
b) pain causes lameness
c) pain gets shifted from one leg to the other.
d) your dog may be reluctant to go walk
e) intensity of the pain can be fluctuating
f) your GSD can suffer loss of appetite
g) your dog may have an increase in the numbers of white blood cells. elevated white blood cell, accompanied with fever and sometimes tonsillitis

Symptoms of Displasia in your GSD

a) displasia - both elbow and hip are caused by deformed joint (looseness) and results in arthritic changes in the joints
b) the mobility of your dog will be compromised
c) cause inflammation, accompanied with joint pain
d) the pain is maximum in the morning at the time of rising
e) your dog will have problem during small jumps
f) your GSD will stop eating, causing weakness

These are the most common and talked about inheritable orthopedic conditions, that are of really issue of concern of you, if your GSD exhibits all or most of these symptoms. After the thorough examinations, the vet may recommend the suitable medication. But the prime most important thing is that, physical exercise or work will worsen up the conditions. However, Hydrotherapy sessions can help your GSD puppy recover from the the hip displasia. Check out the other common genetic ailments in German Shepherds.

You may love to read How Intensive Hydrotherapy Session helped German Shepherd Puppy, Fred to Recover from Hip Displasia

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grooming Your German Shepherd at Home

If you are planning to groom your German Shepherd Dog by yourself at home, ther’s nothing like that. Assuming that he is conditioned to grooming that includes bathing, nail clipping, brushing, ear cleaning, it is important to plan a routine work for maintain your German shepherd’s hygiene at home itself. It is better for your GSD and you both to carry on a weekly grooming session for your GSD at home, which may save a good amount of money. You cannot find a professional dog grooming parlor that can offer a satisfactory service at less than $30 per grooming session. Do-It-Yourself Dog grooming for Rover will save you at least $1000 annually. In the down trodden economy, it is worthy enough to think of saving a few dollars.

German Shepherd sheds heavily and throughout the year. Regular (twice a week, if not daily) brushing is highly recommended. Brushing your German Shepherd’s coat will; keep him fresh and free from dead follicles, tangles and mattes.

Problem is if you are not an experienced owner, you might end up with the worst experience in your life if Rover has not been conditioned to grooming, bathing, or nail clipping. Fact remains, no professional groomer will be eager to groom a full grown GSD that has not been socialized and seasoned with experiences like grooming. If he is not well trained and conditioned to such situations, good chance is there that he is going to attack the stranger who’s going to approach him with tools and apparatus. Grooming starts at home and in the early stage. Behavioral grooming is teaching him how to behave in the way desired. Obedience training at the early phase of his life finds the most vital role to play here. Behavioral grooming is the start of all kind of grooming in a dog and especially for large and giant breeds like GSD, Labrador, Doberman, Great Dane, Irish Wolf Hound etc. behavioral training has an immense significance. Check out a few economic tips for German Shepherd grooming

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Care for German Shepherd Puppies - An Overview

If you are considering adding a GSD puppy to your family, then with get yourself groomed up with proper planning and information on German Shepherd puppy care tips. This is just an outline of how to care for your German Shepherd puppy. Bringing a new baby to your home will open the door to years of love, fun and laughter.

After bringing home your puppy taking care of your puppy is going to be your prime responsibility, that starts on the day you bring home your German Shepherd puppy. Here are what you should consider in the process of bringing up your GSD puppy.

Firstly, you should provide an suitable environment remembering the factors like comfort, safety and amusement. Your puppy need a comfortable bed to sleep on, but more important is that you give him with time, to let him understand his pack members - you and your family. Its your responsibility to make him feel at home and in a safe hand. He should be able to trust you. Trust can be broken in a second. It takes a lot to build trustworthiness. Building a strong bondage with your puppy is a must.

Related Read from Welcome Dog Lovers: How to intensify bond with your dog?

By nature they are very inquisitive and may get into things that are lying around him so, remove the harmful things away and include lots of toys & things that can amused your puppy as they need attention.

Food play a most important role in first few months just because it is the time for the development of bones and muscles. Quality speaks over quantity! Weaning him to correct type, quality and quantity of regular food is very important before you bring your German Shepherd puppy home. So, make sure you check with the breeder if he is giving him correct food.

Between 2 to 3 months feed them about 4 times a day - morning, lunch, dinner and about 9 pm in the evening before they settle down for the night. The same for water in small quantities to control when they have to go.

At 3 months, your GSD puppy should have a changed diet. Remember, sudden & drastic change in his diet can create a big problem. It will be wise to make a very gradual change in his diet style. Gradually reduce food supply to 3 times a day, taking away the night feeding, but still giving the same quantity of food as recommended by supplier.

At 3, 1/2 months starts adult food so that when they are 5 months old they should be fully on adult dog food at the recommended feeding frequency of three times a day, and at the same time gradually increase amount of water left out for them.

At 5 to 8 months you need to start taking away the lunch feeding so that by 8 months of age they will be on 2 feedings a day, morning and night.

Taking care on puppies health your puppy will have had its first vaccination when you receive him or her and will need its booster & rabies. Always check their eyes, ears for hair and wax build up, play with their feet and in between toes on a daily basis so that when they grew up they are familiar with it.

Grooming and bathing is needed while you are taking care of your puppy. Your puppy should be completely bathed once a month with a baby shampoo until about 6 months of age. After 6 months your puppy needs only to be bathed completely every couple of months. To groomed up your puppy dog it should be placed on elevated surface. Take your pin brush and start at the middle of its back brushing the hair backwards or against the way it's growing.

To keep your German Shepherd puppy healthy, happy and well trained you need to begin exercise that can help him or her to familiar with it. Over-exercise is as harmful as over feeding!

Socialization makes your GSD puppy more groomed and they need to have at the beginning, an area in your home that they will regard as their own territory with a blanket or towel they can call their own along with some toys if you want to. At this stage thy should be taken after they have had a drink and about half an hour of eating.