
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions - German Shepherd Dog Breed

german shepherd FAQ, German Shepherd FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions, German Shepherd FAQs, German Shepherd Dogs Guide, German Shepherd Breed Guide, German Shepherd Dog Information, gsd info, about German Shepherd Dog Information,  german shepherd dog kennel west bengal, German Shepherd Facts, GSD information, dog kennels west bengal, dog kennels hooghlyI know I have not been posting much here. I am not actually getting enough time to update my personal site. Well, I think I put some really good stuff in Welcome Dog Lovers. Hope, you will be helped. I have been getting mails for not maintaining proper pace here. Okay... here's something that the German Shepherd lovers will really love to read. I think this post is going to help you in ways!

Many a times I get calls from unknown people looking for a good companion, but confused as to whether they should go for a German Shepherd Dog or not. A lot time I came across people with wrong notions about the breed. Weekends, for me, are like "Attend a Dog Lovers' Call Day". At times I tend to have pity on my cell phone and cordless. Well, I don't mind receiving such calls... I can spend centuries talking about dogs.

People often says "mine is a German Shepherd Dog, not an Alsatian dog". At time they ask is there any difference between GSD and an Alsatian dog? Check out this


  1. Hello Aringsburg,
    I am Rainie Carlson, Scientist (Biotechnology), by profession. But I have another part of my life too - DOGS. I am a dog lover, like many around me. I have four shepherds, two salukis and two dachshunds. Whenever I get time, I stay back home and look for dog information over the web. Just today I noticed your site. It is too good - especially this FAQ material is worth mentioning. I found very little GSD sites that give such great deal of German Shepherd Dog information that are worth reading.

    Your specimens are gorgeous too! Great work...

  2. Re G.S.D. & Alsation. This name swap started during W.W.2.Alsacia (now Bolivia,) borders France & Germany, U.K. Did not want anything German,so the G.S.D. became an Alsation, (but always G.S.D. on the pedgree!)
    A rose by any other name is still a rose!

  3. Right said troget. Check out my article Varried Names For The Breed
