
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Understanding German Shepherd Dog - German Shepherd Dog Tail Positioning

Here's a tale of the tail! Let us now talk about the German Shepherd tail carriage. It's all about the language of tail that you can judge many things regarding the mental state of the time. Deviations can't be denied in this regard, because it largely depends on how your GSD carries its tail usually. If your German Shepherd Dog carries his tail higher in normal circumstances, this is a deviation from the normal and hence it might be a bit tougher for a stranger to understand your shepherd's mental state properly. Here are ten most significant German Shepherd Dog tail carriage positions that can help you understand what actually a Shepherd is feeling or thinking. It's all about the understanding the signals.

Tail carried Horizontal: If your GSD is carrying his tail almost horizontally, apart from his hind legs, without stiffing it, he is having a more attentive and closer watch to his surroundings and the elements therein. The elements, here, denotes everything that are going on in the surrounding, including the flight of a bird, approaching of a strange person, wafting off of leaves, playing of the squirrels, a running sheep etc.

Tail carried apart from the hind legs Stiffly: If the GSD carries his tail stiffly apart from his body, this is an indication that the dog is getting mentally prepared to accept an initial challenge. This usually happens when he finds an intruder getting into his territory. This action is followed by "deep grumbling bark", displaying "Social Aggression".

Tail Carried Upward: If the GSD is carrying his tail upward (in a gentle curved way... not upright or vertical), this is an indication that the dog has gathered enough confidence in himself and wants to assert dominance or show his bossiness. If the German Shepherd carries his tail high with sharp upward bend, he tends to show his dominance with aggression.

Tail Carried Lower than Horizontal: If a GSD carries his tail but with a distance from his hind legs, he displays a relaxed attitude. He is waiting for you to come near; he is friendly.

Tail Carried a Bit More Downward: If the GSD carries his tail a bit too downward, closer (but not tucked) to the hind legs, his is giving any of the several signals. He may want to show that he is disturbed or depressed or or insecure or is just not liking to mingle.

Tail Tucked to Hind Legs: Tail tucked to the hind legs, with usually the ears laid flat at back are submissive signals. This indicates that he's scared, but can also challenge you directly.

Tail Wagged Slowly: Slow tail wagging indicates that the GSD is confused.

Tail Wagged Broad: When the GSD is wagging his tail broad, it is an indication that he wants your touch. This not necessarily happen with the person or dog he already knows, but the action can also be displayed when he finds someone new and wants befriend him or her.

There are many such subtle things to be noticed in your German Shepherd Dog and a responsible German Shepherd owner usually does this. Understanding the the body language of a German Shepherd dog is the best way to understand what's going on in his mind. Eyes speak a lot too! All you need to have a bit of patience and eagerness to learn more about German Shepherd Dogs.

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