
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year Dog Lovers

Hello German Shepherd Dog Lovers...

This post is dedicated to all animal lovers - irrespective species and breed...
Let me wish you a very very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Now guess what the amazing fact about this year is?

Date of 1st Jan = 1-1-11 (d-m-y)
Date of 11th Jan = 11-1-11 (d-m-y)
Date of 1st Nov = 1-11-11 (d-m-y)
Date of 11th Nov = 11-11-11 (d-m-y)

Let's celebrate the start in a great way by resolving to be better and more responsible owners for our pets. Take time this first week of the year to ring in the Year 2011 with some new and precious habits that can benefit you and your pets.

1) Let's stop misusing check chains.
2) Let's stop abusive training methods
3) Let's make it a habit to talk to our dogs and cats and birds and any other pets every day at least once.
4) Let's hug them at least once a day
5) Let's Update our owner information!
6) Let's raise voice against animal cruelty

This New Start is a great time to indulge ourselves in becoming more valuable partners for our pets. I wish you all a very very Happy and Prosperous New Year - 2011

I wish you all the millions of reasons to be happy in the New Year. When you're lonely, I pray my Lord for one more pet for you. When the world seems empty, I wish you can hug your dog tight and you will get EVERYTHING back!

Have a Happy New Year and a marvelous time ahead!

GSD information
| German Shepherds | GSD facts | German Shepherd standard

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