
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Protection Dogs of Prince Williams Were Killed

Brus (Belgium Shepherd - aged seven and a half years) and Blade (German Shepherd) the two beautiful RAF guard dogs were killed after Prince William's tasks ended  in North Wales

Prince William completed his tasks as a search and rescue pilot in North Wales, and finally shifted
Friday, September 20, 2013. After his shift the two guard dog that had been appointed for the prince's protection were killed for sarcastic reasons - "too old to be deployed again" and "unsuitable to be rehomed". 

Protection Dogs Brus and Blade of Prince Williams Were Killed

Two Dogs That Guarded Prince William on RAF Duty Were Killed After His Shift

Because They Could Not be Redeployed or Re-homed

Prince William quit from his role as a search and rescue pilot in North Wales
Few days after his last shift On Friday, September 20, 2013 his two guard dogs were put down
Reason for killing was mentioned as: "too old to be deployed again" and "unsuitable to be rehomed."

Two guard dogs - Belgian Malinois (Brus) and German shepherd (Blade) that had been assigned for the protection Prince William on RAF duty were put down a few days after he had quit from his role as a Search and Rescue pilot in North Wales. When asked, the reason for destroying the dogs had been quoted: "too old to be deployed again" and "unsuitable to be rehomed." However, Officials said that there wasn't any link between Prince William quitting and the dogs being killed.

Although, within just a few days of Prince's last shift, his two guard dogs had been killed on Friday night (September 20, 2013), his spokesman declined to comment on this. According to the Ministry of Defence, Belgian shepherd Brus had 'come to the end of his work life’ while for the GSD Blade there was no duties that could be reassigned to him, according to ‘a record of veterinary and behavioral issues’. The poor creatures were put down after the air force bosses decided that the dogs could not be redeployed or placed with a family.

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