
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Health Certificate is Mandatory For Participation in The WUSV World Championship And Universal Championship

According to the WUSV Board of Directors the certificate of health of the dog is to be essentially presented for the participation the WUSV World Championship and Universal Championship. The health certification of the participants will be issued by a certified veterinary doctor as appointed by the WUSV member organizations in either English or German. The certificate will be valid if and only if it is duly signed and authorized by the veterinary doctor and by a representative of the national club who will hold the official permission to authorize it.

The “table jump exercise” during the veterinary examination at the beginning of the show will remain in effect.

If the veterinarian in charge or the head judge, on their assessment, find a dog unfit to carry on with the exams involved in the event for any health related reasons, then they are fully authorized to bar off or disqualify the particular dog from being shown.

From 2019 onward the HD/ED stamp will become another mandatory requirement for the participation of WUSV World Championship. Therefore, as always, it is suggested getting the HD/ED stamp done for WUSV World Championship. Any dog diagnosed with HD or ED will be instantly disallowed to be admitted to the WUSV Championship.

Please click here for the form to be used for the purpose of veterinary examination for WUSV World Championship and Universal Championship 

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