X-Ray of the Dog's Long Bone having Panosteitis
(Fatty bone marrow inflammation)
(Fatty bone marrow inflammation)
Panosteitis (Long Bone Disease) is a growth disorder which causes great pain to young dogs but vanishes with age. Different rate of growth of the bone plates is the culprit causing the discomfort. The bone growth stops once the dog reaches maturity. Hence, in adulthood, there's no more pain experienced by large, big boned dogs, for instance German Shepherd dogs apart from Great Danes, Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, Labrador and Dobermans. The incidence of Panosteitis is higher in males than females.
Usually when the dog is in between the age of 6 to 18 months, the growing pain affects the animal. In short, it is a juvenile disorder which automatically regresses with the onset of sexual maturity.
Signs that Says Panosteitis
The pain causes limp and more than one leg can get affected by Panosteitis (short name is Pano), which should not be considered as a disease but as a teething problem of body growth in canine breeds. The lameness is clinically described as 'shifting lameness' or 'shifting pain disease'.
Generally such dogs show signs of lethargy and appetite loss (since they remain depressed) combined with feverish body temperature or tonsillitis. Also evident is increase in the white blood cell count. There is a noticeable reluctance to walk or exercise. The clinical symptoms of Panosteitis is periodic and reflect a waxing and waning pattern. The signs last either few days or few weeks and then disappear to resurface again.
More About Panosteitis
The key characteristic of Panosteitis is fatty bone marrow inflammation – the limb bones are the targets of Panosteitis. The long bone shafts which have higher percentage of bone marrow face the brunt like ulna, radius, femur, humerus, tibia, pelvic and foot bones. The bone pain can be excruciating and might lead to lameness. The bone inflammation occurs because Pano leads to degeneration of fat cells of bone marrow and certain structural changes like osteoblasts.
The cause of Panosteitis is yet to be deciphered. Initial hypothesis point that some bacteria were responsible has been ruled out. There is a consideration that Pano is viral keeping in mind the symptoms of virus infection (fever, decreased white blood cell count, etc).
Whether or not Panosteitis is genetic, the scientists are yet to determine. A connection is made to the genetic link since certain breeds of dogs are more affected than others. But the main reason behind Pano is seen as diet that's rich in protein and fat. So, the occurrence of Pano is more dependent on nutritional aspect rather than genetic or viral aspect.
How to Diagnose Pano?
Panosteitis goes away and hence it is not a matter of utter concern; only your little pup will have to undergo a passing phase of pain. It can be diagnosed by X-Ray and only a vet, specialized in canine orthopedics, can identify the disorder from the X-Ray plate.
Vet surgeons have found out that there is an increase in bone density in Panosteitis. In the later stages the bones take on a patchy or mottled appearance, which returns to normalcy once the dog outgrows puppyhood.
Treatment of Pano
Never administer steroids to dogs afflicted with Pano. Pain killers come with side-effects like irritation in the intestines. Most important of all, is feeding an appropriate diet to such dogs is crucial because food plays a vital role in the growth and skeletal development. Natural nutrition and exercise management are ideal ways out to deal with Panosteitis.
Make a Stop to Growing Up Too Fast
Retard the process of growing up too fast – because that's the reason behind Pano. Ideally the growth rate should be slowed down in puppies affected by Panosteitis. Puppies who are not affected by any conditions should be offered good quality food with right amount of protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals. Home made food with right amount and types of ingredients are great option. An all-natural diet is helpful in this regard. Even in home food, the amount of bones should be kept to minimum. Strategic feeding is highly recommended by your vet.
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