Friday, September 7, 2018

HD Manipulation by Feetback Kennel Has Stirred up a Storm

Lampio di Serbio Feetback

Inheritance of Canine Hip Dysplasia in GSD

A recent news about HD manipulation by Feetback Kennel has stirred up a storm on the Internet. The news reported by GSD World News stated, “Due to several inquiries, news and some comments, a little explanation on the subject of such claims against the Kennel Feetback. The owner of said specimen, said in response of the dog Lampio di Serbio Feetback claiming that it has fallen victim to the fraudulent tactic of HD manipulation.” He further went on to explain that he bought the dog at the age of 12 months. At the time, HD / ED and DNA (in Germany) were already registered with the SV and elbows were rated as "normal" and the hips as "almost normal". There followed a lot of work and success, because in the end he completed the prestigious IPO 3 licensing on lifetime. But after receiving the letter from the SV, he submitted the x-ray to the centre to satiate their assumption that the dog may be a victim of HD manipulation.”

The owner claimed, that the health of his dog is personally (even if not in the interests of the blamed breeder) very important for him. The news that arrived a few weeks later, clearly stating – HD Manipulation, shocked him. The disappointed owner wrote on GSD World News’ social media page as – "Sg 2" Onar Feetback has been manipulated”. He highlights this as a socio-economic problem that “is gear and fabric in the Serbian breeding of Dejan Simovic, Goran Pesic and Miodrag Stojancevic!”

Unscrupulous activities like this is a serious threat to the breed!

Understanding the inheritance rate of CHD:

Dysplasia is a complex polygenic disorder that is not congenital in nature. The phenotypic expression of CHD is also linked with environmental factors. Even dogs with normal phenotypes maybe carriers as it is a complex polygenic disorder and control of passing on of said genes would increase the selection pressure on the breeders. It is sad to note, that due to unethical practices when considering breeding partners (where genomic breeding values should be prioritized). This is the only control system to take this trait off the breeding line has often been ignored or manipulated as the case reported above. Selection pressure on the breeders may be burdensome but is for the good of the species when they consider genomic breeding values over aesthetic counterparts.

The best possible solution of controlling the inheritance of this potentially debilitating condition is through selection of dogs with better individual phenotypes when breeding. In a polygenic disease, different genes contribute small yet substantial additive effects that manifests into the disease. But in case of CHD, environmental as well as other factors such as age, sex, body weight of specimen and the conditioning during the first 60 days of a pup’s life is said to influence the hip joint formation and expression of the disease. Molecular studies to understand the manifestation and genetic basis of CHD has been going on for several years now. But hasn’t returned any substantial progress due to low interest from concerned communities.

However, the published inheritance rate of CHD traits is variable and reportedly range between 0.1 to 0.60. The differences of inheritance rate estimations depend on the trait considered, calculation methods used, selection, and the population and sample used for estimation. For example, the heritability is seen to be as high as 0.83 in case of passive hip laxity in the Estrela Mountain breed of dogs from Portugal. Thus, it safe to conclude that the genetic improvements after stringent selection of traits of those with higher inheritance rates, will accumulate over time. And if such malpractices are continued for personal gains of breeders, then the selection pressures for breeders will be bigger per generation and be corrosive to the health and welfare of the species we love.

As lovers of dogs we must promote the idea of selection and breeding of specimens with low hip scores to control and reduce the incidence of hip dysplasia.

Author bio:

Pritha Biswas is an independent researcher and published science and research non-fiction writer and editor, with a background in Zoological sciences presently working on understanding the behavior and breeding nuances of German Shepherd dogs with an outsider outlook. Copying and re-publishing this article is subject to a written permission sought from Pritha Biswas and Aringsburg via email aringsburg(at)

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Monday, August 27, 2018

Article 12 - Code of Breeding Ethics of FCI

International Breeding Strategies & Rules by Fédération Cynologique Internationale - FCI

Reproduced from the original article by FCI

Here is exactly what has been laid down by the FCI under the head FCI International Breeding Strategies. FCI has laid down this International Breeding Rules under International Breeding Strategies in order to giude every single breeder - irrespective of breed in the right way of breeding dogs so as to produce "functionally healthy dogs with a construction and mentality typical to the breed".

According to the Article 12 – Code of Breeding Ethics of FCI

  • Breeding and the development of dog breeds must be based on long-term objectives and sound principles so that the breeding does not result in diseases, bad temperament or lack of working skills.
  • Breeding must serve the objective of preserving and preferably extending the genetic diversity (polygenicity) of the breed. Only functionally healthy dogs are to be used for breeding. It is incumbent on all breeders selecting dogs for breeding to determine whether such breeding animals are mentally and physically suitable for reproduction.
  • The breeder must ensure that the animals he intends to use for breeding have a stable temperament and are in good physical condition.
  • As long as a puppy is in the breeder's custody, he must ensure a physically and mentally beneficial environment for the puppy to guarantee proper socialization.

Read out in details the FCI International Breeding Strategies or International Breeding Strategies formulated by FCI...

1. Introduction

The goal in dog breeding is functionally healthy dogs with a construction and mentality typical to the breed, dogs that can live a long and happy life for the benefit and pleasure of the owner and the society as well as the dog itself. Breeding should be carried out in such a manner that it promotes the health and well-being of the progeny, as well as the welfare of the bitch. Knowledge, honesty and cooperation, both on national and international level, is basic in healthy dog breeding. Breeders should be encouraged to emphasize the importance of the combination of dogs as well as selection of the individual dog to be used for breeding. The FCI members and contract partners should conduct education programs for breeders,preferably on an annual basis. Education of breeders is to be recommended rather than strict breeding regulations and stringent demands in breeding programs, which can easily result in reduced genetic diversity in the breed as well as exclusion of excellent breed representatives and reduced cooperation with conscientious breeders. Breeders and breed clubs should be encouraged to cooperate with scientists in genetic health issues, to prevent combination of dogs from lines that will result in unhealthy offspring.

Any dog used for breeding or screened for inherited diseases, must have identification (chip or tattoo).

The breeders should keep the breed standard as the guideline for the breed specific features; any exaggerations should be avoided.

2. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding; i.e. to only use dogs that do not suffer from any serious disease or functional disabilities.

2.1 If close relatives of a dog suffering from an inherited disease or functional disability are used for breeding, they should only be mated to dogs from bloodlines with low or no occurrence of the same disease or disabilities. If a DNA-test for the disease/functional disability is available, the breeding stock should be tested in order to avoid mating of two carriers (see point 5).

2.2 Mating combinations which from available information increase the risk of serious diseases or functional disabilities or impairment in the progeny, should be avoided.

2.3 Only dogs having a sound temperament, typical for the breed, should be used for breeding. That is to only use dogs that do not show signs of behavioral disturbance in the form of excessive fear reactions or aggressive behavior in unprovoked situations or situations that can be considered as everyday situations for the dog.

3. To preserve, or preferably extend, the genetic diversity of the breed, matador breeding and heavy inbreeding should be avoided. Mating between siblings, mother to son or father to daughter should never be performed. As a general recommendation no dog should have more offspring than equivalent to 5% of the number of puppies registered in the breed population during a five-year period. The size of the breed population should be looked upon not only on national but also on international level, especially in breeds with few individuals.

4. Screening results (positive or negative) for phenotypic appearance of polygenetic diseases should be available in open registries. The results should be used to aid the selection and combination of breeding dogs.

4.1 Breeding values based on screening results should when possible be computerised to facilitate selection of the breeding stock not only on the phenotypic appearance but also by indicated genotype. As a general rule the estimated breeding value for a combination should be better than the average for the breed.

4.2 Screening should only be recommended for diseases and breeds where the disease has major impact on the dogs’ functional health.

5. Results from DNA tests for inherited diseases should be used to avoid breeding diseased dogs, not necessarily to eradicate the disease. Dogs shown to be carriers (heterozygote) for a recessive inherited disease should only be bred to a dog that is proven not to carry the allele for the same disease.

6. Any dog should be able to mate naturally. Artificial insemination should not be used to overcome physical inabilities of the dog. A bitch should be excluded from further breeding if she is unable to give natural birth, due to anatomy or inherited inertia, or if she is unable to take care of the newborn puppies, due to mentality or inherited to agalactia (no milk production).

7. Health issues that cannot be diagnosed by DNA-tests or screening programmes should have equal impact in the breed specific breeding programs.

8. As a general rule, a breeding programe should not exclude more than 50% of the breed; the breeding stock should be selected from the best half of the breed population.

9. The raising of puppies, with correct feeding, environmental exposure, stimulation by their mother, breeder and others to develop social sense and response, must be basic in every breeding.

Related Reads - Breeding GSD - 
SV Rules For The Breeders


These strategies were approved by the FCI Breeding Commission in Naples, May 23rd 2009.

The document was approved by the FCI General Committee in Madrid, February 2010.

This "International Breeding Rules of The FCI" has been reproduced from the original article laid down by FCI under the head FCI International Breeding Strategies.

Address: 13, Place Albert 1er, B - 6530 Thuin (Belgique)
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Relevant Reads:

Please read out the Original FCI International Breeding Strategies here.

These strategies were approved by the FCI Breeding Commission in Naples, May 23rd 2009, and the document was approved by the FCI General Committee in Madrid, February 2010. Read Here.

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