Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Long Hock in German Shepherd Dog and Its Severe Adverse Impact

When it comes to German Shepherd Dogs, every detail of their anatomy plays a crucial role in their ability to perform tasks efficiently. The hock length is of no exception. The length of their hock — a seemingly insignificant aspect but one that holds immense significance in their biomechanics and endurance of the dog. As the GSD gracefully trots or diligently navigates through fieldwork, its hock serves as a vital joint in the hindlimb, allowing for the necessary flexibility and extension to move forward.

Let's dive into the realm of bio-physics. Here, the principle of leverage takes center stage. A longer hock essentially means a longer lever arm, requiring more force to be exerted to move. This increased mechanical disadvantage translates to the dog needing to exert greater muscular effort to propel its body forward with each stride. Consequently, this leads to quicker fatigue and a decline in endurance over time — a critical consideration for a breed known for its stamina.

But it doesn't end there. The strain placed on the musculoskeletal system due to a long hock can have far-reaching effects on the dog's overall health. The heightened effort required to support and move the body forward places additional stress on muscles, tendons, and ligaments, potentially culminating in overuse injuries and joint problems like arthritis -- issues no owner wants their loyal companion to endure.

And let's not forget about the impact on the cardiovascular system. With increased energy expenditure comes a heightened demand for oxygen by the muscles, placing a heavier load on the heart. This prolonged stress can lead to elevated heart rate and blood pressure, potentially predisposing the GSD to heart health issues that could compromise its ability to sustain prolonged physical activity, a cornerstone of its role in the fields.

In essence, although the length of a hock might appear trivial at first glance, its biomechanical implications hold significant weight when it comes to a German Shepherd's performance, endurance, and overall well-being. It highlights the criticality of maintaining an optimal hock length to enable the dog to partake in sustained physical activities with efficiency and minimal risk of injury or health complications. It's a seemingly minor detail that can make a world of difference in the life of a GSD.

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Sunday, March 5, 2023

Herding - The German Shepherd Dog Way vs The Collie Way

When it comes to the task of moving sheep or cattle from one location to another, various breeds of herding dogs exhibit distinct herding styles. The differences in herding styles among various breeds of herding dogs may have been influenced by various factors, such as the specific requirements of the shepherds and the unique setups or conditions of the agricultural area where they are raised to work. As a result, there are herding dog breeds that utilize tactics such as running and barking, nipping at the heels of the animals, and even walking on the backs of sheep.

Sneak Peak of Herding - What do we actually mean by herding when it comes to working dog in action?

In this context, herding refers to the practical work performed by farm dogs, which includes tasks such as "gathering", "moving", and "sorting" sheep. These tasks are essential to the operation of a farm and require the specialized skills and abilities of herding dogs.

There are two primary methods of herding livestock: "Fetching" & "Driving" and "Tending".

Fetching & Driving Methods - Exhibited Mostly by Collies

"Fetching" involves bringing the sheep towards the handler; while "Driving" involves pushing them away. When a dog is sent into a field to round up the stock and bring them to the handler at the gate, this is an example of the "Fetching method". When a dog is used to push dairy cattle out of the milking barn and towards their pasture, this is an example of the "Driving method".

American Kennel Club's herding program includes three courses - Course A, Course B and Course C. The dogs that use either the fetching or driving methods are entered for the trial into either the Course A or Cousrse B. This is where Collies are introduced mostly, because Collies usually are bred and trained for "Fetching" and "Driving".

Tending Methods - Exhibited Mostly by German Shepherd Dogs

"Tending" is a distinct type of herding (very much different from Fetching & Driving), that involves using dogs to move, feed, and protect a flock. In the past, breeds like German Shepherds, Belgians, and Briards were used for tending, which involved moving, feeding, and protecting flocks. Before the industrial revolution, tending was a full-time occupation that required daily movement of sheep to various grazing areas, such as harvested or vacant fields, government land, or roadsides, where there was available grass. Rather than using fences to contain the sheep, the dogs were responsible for keeping the flock together and protecting them from predators by patrolling a boundary, whether it was natural or man-made. In addition to protecting the flock from predators and keeping them together, the dog also ensured that the sheep did not graze or wander into other areas/farm lands. At the end of the day, the dog gathered the sheep out of the pasture and followed the shepherd, leading the flock home for the night.

Tending dogs compete on the Course C in the American Kennel Club's herding program, where typically German Shepherd Dogs (not Collies) are entered to compete in the trials.

Now that we know about the different formats of herding. Let's get into a vivid details of herding styles - The GSD way and The Collie way. The herding style of German Shepherd Dogs is particularly distinct from the style followed Collies - because the purpose are different; hence the tasks are different; therefore the ways are naturally different.

Herding - The German Shepherd Dog Way

German Shepherds do not gather sheep into a flock or employ the "EYE" technique to control or separate them, unlike Collies.

The Tending style of sheep herding involves training the sheep to respond to the shepherd's calls and follow him to new pastures. Meanwhile, the dogs act as a living fence, ensuring that the sheep remain within the boundaries set by the shepherd.

Controlling a large flock of sheep with just one or two dogs is no easy feat. In Germany, the flocks that were observed had an average size of near about 500 sheep or even more, at times. The dogs are responsible for preventing the sheep from entering the farming lands, having fresh vegetables or plants, which can be the most challenging tasks for the dogs, especially if the sheep are hungry or have been eating dry stubble for an extended period. Therefore, the dogs' only way of maintaining control is by nipping/grabing/biting/gripping the sheep - especially the stubborn ones.

Herding - The Collies Way

Collie exhibits a different style from GSD. Border collies will stare intently at the sheep, "giving them eye." So, What does "giving eye" means in Collie? What does the border collie accomplish from giving eye to the sheep?

The term "giving eye" in the context of border collies and herding refers to the dog's intense gaze, which is used to control the motion of the sheep. The border collie's stare can be quite intimidating to the sheep and can prompt them to move in the direction that the dog desires.

Border collies typically use a herding techniques, including giving eye, stalking, and chasing, and may occasionally nip, especially when managing stubborn sheep. However, the nipping/gripping is usually not very hard. It is generally considered inappropriate for herding dogs to exhibit the grab/bite behavior commonly observed in cattle heelers.

However, nipping/biting/gripping is consider it a significant fault in both breeds, because the herding as a purpose doesn't including the sheep being hurt.

The Herding program by the American Kennel Club involves tests and trials for herding dogs. The program includes a non-competitive pass/fail format, and the tests are conducted in a fenced arena and require the dog to work with livestock such as ducks, sheep, or cattle. The herding dog must demonstrate its ability to control and move the livestock by either fetching or driving them, while maintaining the appropriate balance point to move the stock forward on the course. The dog must also have sufficient training to perform these tasks. What is important here is that just having a good coformation and endurance ability is NOT enough. The most important factor here is the dog's thinking ability - which is the psychological parameter. Breeding for conformation is, hence, half the task done. Right breeding includes breeding for:

1) Conformation (that contributes to the dog's physical ability to perform the task he is bred for)

2) Thinking Ability (that contributes to the dog's psychological ability to perform the task he is bred for)

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All you need to know about German Shepherd Dogs. Read out what I have to share with you regarding the amazing German Shepherd Dog breed. Are Alsatian dogs and German Shepherd Dogs same? Who was Max Von Stephanitz and What is SV? Also learn a bit more in depth on German Shepherd Dog training tips, German Shepherd puppy care tips, German Shepherd Dog behavior, German Shepherd instinct, German Shepherd Dog standard and history of German Shepherds.

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