Thursday, May 30, 2024

Glossary of German Shepherd Dog Titles and Terms Related to Dog Breeding Acronyms

 This dictionary outlines key terms and acronyms related to dog breeding, particularly for German Shepherds. It includes ratings for hip evaluations, such as "a-stamp" for acceptable hips and various classifications like KKL1 and KKL2 for breeding suitability. Breeding categories are defined, including Utility Dog Breeding (GZ) and Performance Breeding (LZ), with specific requirements for parentage. The document also explains terms like Körung (breed survey) and Zuchtwert (breed value), emphasizing the importance of selecting breeding partners based on genetic health, particularly hip scores. Overall, it serves as a comprehensive guide for breeders and enthusiasts in the field.

  • A a-stamp: The "a" stamp indicates that the hips of a dog have been evaluated and fall within limits considered acceptable for breeding.

  • "a" normal: Certified normal hips, required for a dog to pass a breed survey.

  • "a" fast normal: Certified near-normal hips.

  • "a" noch zugelassen: Hips are still permissible for breeding.

  • “a” 1 HD normal: The best hip rating possible from the SV.

  • “a” 2 HD fast normal: Near-normal hips.

  • “a” 3 HD noch zugelassen: Hips are still acceptable for breeding.

  • "a"-Ausland: HD certification passed in another country rather than Germany.

  • EZ (Einfache Zucht): Simple Breeding. Only one parent has a working degree.

  • GZ (Gebrauchshundzucht): Utility Dog Breeding. Both parents have working titles.

  • Kennels von Lotta: German Shepherd breeder.

  • KKL1 (Körklasse 1): Especially recommended for breeding.

  • KKL2 (Körklasse 2): Suitable for breeding.

  • KLZ (Kör- und Leistungszucht): Qualification and Performance Breeding. Both parents have Körung, and all four grandparents have working titles.

  • Körbericht: Judge's comments during the Körung test.

  • köred: Breed surveyed.

  • Körung: SV breed survey. The purpose of the breed survey for German Shepherds is to select dogs from the breeding registry that excel in character, performance, and anatomical construction, thus aiding in the conservation and improvement of the breed.

  • KZ (Körzucht): Qualification Breeding. Both parents have Körung.

  • Lbz (Lebenszeit): Breed surveyed for a lifetime. The result of a Breed Survey (Körklasse) is valid for life, usually after the second breed survey.

  • LZ (Leistungszucht): Performance Breeding. Both parents and all four grandparents have working titles.

  • NZB (Nachzucht Bewertung): Progeny evaluation.

  • vom = von der (Ger.): From the.

  • Z (Züchter): Breeder.

  • ZW (Zuchtwert): An estimated breed value. This helps breeders make informed selections of breeding partners for their dogs based on their hip status. A breed value of 100 is typical for the German Shepherd Dog breed. GSD breeders should aim to produce offspring with breed values less than 100.

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All you need to know about German Shepherd Dogs. Read out what I have to share with you regarding the amazing German Shepherd Dog breed. Are Alsatian dogs and German Shepherd Dogs same? Who was Max Von Stephanitz and What is SV? Also learn a bit more in depth on German Shepherd Dog training tips, German Shepherd puppy care tips, German Shepherd Dog behavior, German Shepherd instinct, German Shepherd Dog standard and history of German Shepherds.

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