Glossary of German Shepherd Dog Titles and Terms Related Dog Show
This dictionary provides essential acronyms related to dog shows and tests, primarily for German Shepherds. It includes ratings like A (sufficient), G (good), and V (excellent), along with various classes such as IPO, JKL (young dog class), and M (faulty). Key terms like VA (excellent select) and WUSV (world union of German Shepherd clubs) are defined, alongside disqualification indicators (Disq) and performance ratings (U for unsatisfactory). Each entry clarifies the dog's qualifications and achievements, showcasing the structured evaluation system in competitive dog events. This comprehensive glossary is invaluable for understanding the terminology used in dog shows.
A (Ausreichend): Sufficient show or performance rating.
BSZS (BundesSiegerZuchtSchau): SV German National conformation show—an annual international championship for the German Shepherd Dog held in Germany (Sieger Show).
Disq (Disqualifiziert): Disqualified.
G (Gut): Good show or performance rating.
H (Hündin): Bitch.
IPO: International title equivalent to Schutzhund, with three levels: IPO I, IPO II, IPO III.
JKL (Jugendklasse): The 12-18 month young dog class at the Sieger Show.
JHKL (Junghundklasse): The 18-24 month young dog class at the Sieger Show.
Lebenszeit: Breed surveyed for lifetime.
LP (Less Promising): The 3-12 month young dog show rating.
M (Mangelhaft): Faulty show or performance rating.
NP (Not Promising): Awarded in Puppy Class.
P (Promising): Dog show rating.
Puppy Class: Age groups 4-6 months, 6-9 months, and 9-12 months.
R (Rüde): Male dog.
SG (Sehr Gut): Very Good. This is the highest possible show rating a dog can obtain in the Youth Class or Young Dog Class (dogs under 2 years old). It is also a SchH rating awarded to dogs scoring 90-95 points out of 100 in SchH trials/competitions.
SGR (Sieger or Siegerin): Highest placed dog title at the German Sieger Show.
T1, T2, T3, or T4: Remarks indicating the dog is removed from further participation in the Sieger Show due to TSB failings. Each number indicates the reason for removal.
T1: Indicates that even though the dog demonstrated "pronounced" TSB, it did not release on command during the courage test (did not "Out").
T2: TSB vorhanden (Ger.)—TSB "sufficient" but not enough to continue in the competition.
T3: TSB nicht genügend (Ger.)—TSB "insufficient."
T4: The dog is removed from further participation due to lack of obedience or control (failed all three attempts to heal to the blind).
U (Ungenügend): Unsatisfactory show or performance rating. No grading given.
V (Vorzüglich): Excellent show or performance rating.
VA (Vorzüglich Auslese): Excellent Select show rating at Sieger Show; the highest award obtainable by a German show dog, typically awarded to 9-12 male and female dogs each year.
Vdh (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen e.V): The German Kennel Club.
VP (Very Promising): The 3-12 month young dog show rating.
WUSV (Welt Union der Schäferhundvereine): World Union of German Shepherd Clubs.
ZB (Zuchtbewertung): Show rating.
Zuchtschau: The conformation specialty show.
ZW (Zuchtwert): Breed value—a number assigned that indicates the genotype of the dog for breeding purposes.

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