Thursday, March 7, 2024

Glossary of GSD Dogs Clubs & Organization Acronyms

 This dictionary outlines key acronyms for organizations related to German Shepherd Dogs (GSD). It includes the American German Shepherd Dog Charitable Foundation (AGSDCF), which funds health research, and the American German Shepherd Rescue Association (AGSRA), focused on protecting GSDs from abuse and neglect. The American Working Dog Federation (AWDF) strengthens working breeds, while DVG (Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine) is the oldest Schutzhund training organization. Additional clubs include the German Shepherd Dog Club of America (GSDCA), the German Shepherd Dog Club of India (GSDCI), and the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USA). The WUSV represents the global community of GSD clubs.

  • AGSDCF - American German Shepherd Dog Charitable Foundation, Inc. This non-profit organization is devoted exclusively to funding research projects related to the health of the German Shepherd Dog breed.

  • AGSRA - American German Shepherd Rescue Association, Inc. Founded as a fundraising group, the AGSRA operates programs to protect German Shepherd Dogs from abuse, cruelty, homelessness, ignorance, neglect, and misuse.

  • AWDF - American Working Dog Federation. Established in 1989, this organization aims to strengthen working breeds in the United States, including German Shepherds, Malinois, Boxers, American Bulldogs, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Bouviers, Schnauzers, and American Staffordshire Terriers.

  • DVG - Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine (Germany). DVG is the oldest and largest Schutzhund training organization in the world. Founded in 1903, it was Germany's first police and service dog club and now has nearly 30,000 members.

  • GSDCA - German Shepherd Dog Club of America.

  • GSDCI - German Shepherd Dog Club of India.

  • GSDCA-WDA - The German Shepherd Dog Club of America - Working Dog Association, Inc. The WDA provides enthusiasts with a framework for activities in the United States, patterned after those available to the worldwide GSD community.

  • SV - Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde e. V. (Germany). This is the main (original) GSD club and breed registry based in Germany.

  • USCA - United Schutzhund Clubs of America. The USCA is dedicated to protecting and preserving the German Shepherd Dog's working heritage through Schutzhund training.

  • WUSV - World Union of German Shepherd Dog Clubs.

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